Sunday, February 13, 2011

Ch. 3

The Elements of Interaction Design

Motion- A trigger for action

Space- Space provides a context for motion. ls the action taking place in a quiet office in front of a computer screen or in a crowded, noisy airport.

Time- lnteractions take place over time. Sometimes an interaction can occur instantaneously, as with a mouse click. Sometimes it could involve very long durations.

Appearance-proportion, structure, size, shape, weight, and color.

Texture- Apperance for the visually impaired. How an object feels in your hand.

The Laws of Interaction Design

Moore's Law- Gordon Moore predicted that every two years, the number of transistors on integrated circuits will double.

Fitt's Law-Fitts' law states that the time it takes to move from a starting position to a final target is determined by two factors: the distance to the target, and the size of the target.

Hick's Law- Law state's that the time it takes for users to make decisions is determined by the number of possible choices they have.

The Magical Number Seven-Miller's rule, he determined that the human mind is best able to remember information in chunks of seven items, "plus or minus two." after five to nine pieces of info. the human mind starts making errors.

Tesler's Law-state's that some complexity is inherent to every process. There is a point beyond which you can't simplify a process any further; you can only move the inherent complexity from one place to another.

The Poka-Yoke Principle- roughly translates in English to mistake proofing: avoiding inadvertent errors.

Direct and Indirect Manipulation-direct manipulation is using your hand, a mouse, or direct extension from your hand to move or manipulate and object. lndirect manipulation mean is when we use a command or menu to alter an object.

Feedback and Feedforward- feedback is an indecation that something has happened. Knowing what will happen before you perform an action.

The characteristics of good interaction design:

Trustworthy-the absence of trustor's enforcement or control over actions performed by the trustee.

Appropriate-to set apart, authorize, or legislate for some specific purpose or use

Smart-Self-Monitoring, Analysis, and Reporting Technology,is a monitoring system for computer hard disk drives to detect and report on various indicators of reliability, in the hope of anticipating failures.

Responsive-Readily reacting to suggestions, influences, appeals, or efforts

Clever-showing inventiveness or originality

Ludic-play as an act of self-definition

Pleasurable- agreeable, or gratifying

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